The Adventure of a Lifetime

Reino started Kindergarten today. I’m so excited for him. He’s so ready for this and it’s finally here. I wasn’t sad this morning when I dropped him off. I’m just excited about the things he’s going to learn that will help him to become the man he will be. Last night when we were lying in his bed, he told me to wake him up by moving him and saying his name. 🙂

Before I woke him up, I had to take this picture.

wake up

Surly at breakfast. He’s just like me in the morning.


Out the door and waiting for me. I love how he’s just standing and waiting.

out the door

Happy to go!

happy to go

Up the stairs!

up the stairs

Opening the gate. (So independent!)

open the gate

Ready for school to start!

ready for school

6 thoughts on “The Adventure of a Lifetime

  1. Leslie

    What a great start to his first day of kindergarten! He looks pleased to be there!

    BTW – I love that surly morning face LOL!

    E says I know that boy! I played with him!

  2. Aunt Sandy

    CUTE! I love the haircut. I would be surly, too, if I had cucumbers and a mayo sandwich for breakfast. Don’t you guys have any PB&J?
    I can’t believe Reino is really old enough for school. He’s growing like a weed.

  3. Tracy

    Oh my gosh Karen he’s just the cutest little guy ever!! He is looking so grown up and I just love his hair and his first day of school outfit. What a doll! I hope his day was great!! With many more to follow 🙂

  4. Amel

    AWWWWW this is such a NICE set of pics!!! ;-D He looks SO tall for a boy his age!!! ^_____________________^

    Btw, I’m not a morning person myself, so I can understand why he’s surly he he he…

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